Flowers represent the moments of celebration and loss, as life goes on to our inevitable return to the soil.

RACHEL NESS // Founder & Florist


We love working with local farmers that work with plant spirit and healing with the land. We do our best to source mindfully.

All of our designs are foam-free and created with the intention to reuse materials as much as we can while composting the rest.

Meet your FOUNDER & FLORIST Rachel Ness

Rachel Ness, founder of Long Stem Disco, is an artist that designs with intention and sustainability in mind. As a detailed oriented creative, she sees where the small things in the world are worthy of deep focus and deserve a chance to be seen. The impermanence of flowers is what draws her into the art of floral design. There is a romance about life’s passing and being in the present moment to remind us that we all inevitably return to the soil.

Rachel has an extensive background in fine art. She holds a BFA which focused on design principles, color theory, and finding ones unique voice as an artist. Additionally she received and MFA at San Diego State University in 2020 in jewelry and metalsmithing and has over 6+ years of jewelry and floral design experience. She continues to create jewelry and small scale sculptures in the wedding off season and holds this practice close to her.

Her entire life has been dedicated to channeling creativity, working with light and spirit, and listening to the call of nature. All of her artwork practices are centered around sustainability, awareness, detailed oriented, innovation, quality, and approachability.


Whether it be for an event, wedding or a special occasion, we have you covered! W'e’re located in San Diego/LA, California - Available for travel on West Coast. We look forward to hearing from you!