Elevate your space with weekly flower delivery

​​Special spaces are custom fresh and dried floral arrangements as well as permanent Installations for a specific space you have in mind. These floral art pieces are original designs intended to elevate and play off the interior design, architecture, and energy of the environment. These spaces include but are not limited to retail storefronts, commercial office spaces, restaurants, and private home estates.



Creating florals for these spaces starts with a one on one consultation while we visit the space in person. Together we will have a 30 min in person consultation to highlight the importance characteristics of the atmosphere, and a bit about the mission statement or personality of your business or yourself, if a residential space.


After this process, I will sit in the space alone, draw sketches, and take photos. Following our consult, I will create a mood board for the initial designed arrangement. This usually takes a 1 week depending on scheduling.

For fresh flower weekly service delivery is included in the cost. After the week we will collect the vessels and refresh the arrangements with a new design within the intention of the space in mind. Differences in design are often decided by the season and what flowers are in season at that time.

Pricing & PACKAGES


Classic($77), Grand($99), Large($155), Extra Large ($200)*

*Floral subscription members save 10% on flower arrangements 


Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Quarterly


3 months, 6 months, 1 year (most popular), Ongoing


Providing you with new design pieces while trying our best to eliminate vase/ single used vases. When your subscription flower arrangement gets replaced we take the old one off your hands. Many of our vases are thrifted and reused in our wide collection. If the vase does not get returned or is damaged the retail cost will be deducted from the overall cost of arrangement.